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Reading like a victorian

The great writers of the Victorian era did not publish their books as great big volumes. Rather they appeared in newstands a few chapters at a time. Those readers who loved Dickens would wait for the next installments, eagerly, and meantime purchased William Thackeray's Vanity Fair, in the same format. Those great literary competitors cross-pollinated, synergized, into the great English body of literature


Presently attention spans are shortened. It is a commitment to purchase a great big volume and read it through. Few do that, as more and more demands are made on out attention, TV, social media, messaging, you know

I have had three novels on Kindle for a few years. Now I shall serialize them for your pleasure, adding a chapter  every so often. Let me hear from you on my facebook page

Joe's Trial was printed shortly before 911. The september 11th 2001 created a run of interest in Middle Eastern affairs and Joe's Trial made into the AM radio talk shows. Joe is a heartbroken man, from Israel, who keeps on living in his hospital because he has a job of saving kids' lives, but not his own. He is saved by a good woman, but only by passing the trials he set for himself - and for her, in war-torn Lebanon.


The Witches of West Bend  is where life get awfully complicated for Doctor Ilan Zehavi.  The witches plot to implicate the doctor  they are at odds with at the West Bend clinic in the disappearance of an infant from the nursery. From there the plot thickens, involving a rich cast of characters, some American, some hailing from the Middle East. It takes a particular kind of courage and painful experience for the protagonists to extricate themselves from the witches' brew.


Malpractice begins with the very sad demise of an innocent girl due to a sudden illness. But did her doctor do everything to avoid that fatal outcome? Doctor Mitch Goldstein thinks he did, but the girl's family does not. The plot involves the Chicago mafia as it associates itself  with Palestinian  terrorist organizations, US agents operating in Israel, and the Jewish community of a midwestern town. 


Rage Over Jerusalem tells the story of the Jerusalem Plague. A man-made plague initiated by someone who thinks he can single-handedly change the Middle East. It begins with a critical look at American society as it reflects in the teaching hospital and evolves from there.




Yuval Brandstetter MD

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